Relief Base China

IACO in China works to strengthen international emergency preparedness and respond to emergency relief needs. IACO tool for accomplish this purpose is the institution of Relief Base China, a service center that:

  • Offer a complete logistic center for store aid and relief items and so increase the international emergency preparedness
  • Involve the Chinese private sector for proposing relief items that can increase the value for money in humanitarian sourcing
  • Enable field-testing of new technology and innovations that can increase humanitarian effectiveness.

TheRelief Base China (RBC) should be a self sustainable and independent free zone authority mandated by the local Government to facilitate international humanitarian aid by:

  • Enable leading humanitarian actors with world-class logistics infrastructure, value-added services and administrative support
  • Enable the networking and knowledge sharing of humanitarian organisations
  • Promote research and facilitate innovation in the humanitarian actions and operations
  • Facilitate coordination and collaboration between international organisations and Chinese local entities

The Relief Base China (RBC) should operate from highly secured premises designed to meet the specific needs of its users, offering them state of the art facilities with a range of customised services to facilitate their humanitarian operations.

RBC should provides its users with: a warehouse complex, including specialised cold storage for perishables and medical supplies; an office complex; facilities management services including maintenance, security, and leasing; assistance with customs formalities, visas issuance, and other government services; and registration and licensing of humanitarian organisations and commercial companies as well as a variety of benefits and value added services.

Supporting Organizations can contact us for the evaluation of the cooperations.

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