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Myanmar: UN WFP pushes to reach flood-affected communities
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) said that initial reports indicated that hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland have been inundated. In the hardest-hit areas, urgent needs include basic food, drinking water, and sanitation. The emergency compounds the dire situation across vast areas of Myanmar more than three years since a
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Africa: Refugees and displaced face heightened threat from mpox outbreak
According to UNHCR, 42 suspected mpox cases have been detected in the South Kivu Province of the DRC – the war-ravaged central African country which is the epicentre of the outbreak. There have been other suspected and confirmed cases among refugee populations in the Republic of the Congo and Rwanda. Caseload
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Famine – Soudan : La FAO demande une assistance vitale de grande ampleur pour accroître la production alimentaire locale
En réponse aux nouvelles conclusions alarmantes confirmant une situation de famine dans certaines parties du Darfour, l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture (FAO) appelle à la cessation immédiate des hostilités et à l’intensification rapide des aides alimentaire, nutritionnelle et monétaire de nature à sauver des vies, ainsi que
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UNDP at the 67th GEF Council Meetings: Healing the planet requires the harmonious action of partners in purpose
Washington, DC - Crucial assistance is on the way for countries as they endure the economic disruption and heartbreak of a world at war and an ever-warmer planet, even as obligations under the Paris Treaty, the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, and other international environmental agreements can over-encumber the budgets of least-developed nations.
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